A HUGE commercial and high-rise residential development may soon be approved for the northwest corner of GA 400 and Keith Bridge Road. Concerned residents are welcome to attend a public meeting where the county zoning staff and developers will answer questions and hear comments. The meeting is Thursday, October 13, at 7 pm at the 2300 Keith Bridge Rd. at the Central Park Recreation Center Banquet Hall.
Retail Planning Corporation, one of the larger developers in metro Atlanta who has created more than 40 shopping centers, on August 5, 2022 filed a zoning application with Forsyth County to build a giant development at the southeast corner of the intersection called North Park. From their application we quote…
“At build-out, North Park is anticipated to have up to 500,000 square feet of office and light industrial uses, 201,800 square feet of commercial use, and 828 residential units total.”
The application specifies 172 townhomes, 456 apartments, 200 senior citizen apartments, and 701,800 square feet of non-residential buildings, such as medical offices and a multi-building shopping center. The map below describes the conceptual plan.
The 138-acre site is currently zoned A1 Agricultural, and the requested rezoning is MCD (Mixed-Use Center District).
The application is currently in the “review” stage and from there the next steps may include a public hearing where residents can attend, then a vote at the public Forsyth County Planning Commission meeting, and finally approval at a public County Board meeting.
To learn more, you can read all the zoning proposal documents online at the county’s website at: https://css.forsythco.com/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService#/plan/b92af44f-5dd4-414e-b3bb-b1930b35c7bf?tab=attachments
This is our first zoning article and going forward we’ll be keeping you informed about this and any proposed developments that affect Cobblestone Farms residents.
If you are interested: Forsyth County has a web page at https://www.forsythco.com/Departments-Offices/Planning-Community-Development/Zoning/Public-Hearing where you can download a list of in-process zoning applications to get the zoning application #, and knowing that, then go to another page where you search for any public record, such as a zoning application # to get the detailed documents. You search public records at:
https://css.forsythco.com/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService#/search and if you search for ZA4092 (the zoning application # for North Park) you can then click on Attachments to see the latest documentation on this project as it proceeds to a yea or nea vote by the county.
UPDATE: June 2023: The developer withdrew the application just prior to the Planning Commission and County Board of Commissioners meetings.

More building and no increase in support infrastructure